Meet… well, I don’t know her name yet. I acquired her on Craigslist and she will be getting a makeover very soon (she needs new fabric!). She deserves a fine, geeky name. Maybe something vaguely astronomical? Votes and suggestions appreciated!…

Meet… well, I don’t know her name yet. I acquired her on Craigslist and she will be getting a makeover very soon (she needs new fabric!). She deserves a fine, geeky name. Maybe something vaguely astronomical? Votes and suggestions appreciated!…
Background I am an avid fan of J.R.R. Tolkien’s The Lord of the Rings. I first read the books in either late elementary school or early middle school in the early 90s and then on and off again throughout high school, but…
Once again I bring you news of flashing lights in the latest geek movie – The Hobbit: The Battle of the Five Armies. Very minor spoilers under the cut in order to give you precise timing. Please share to warn…
Folks with photosensitive migraines or epilepsy or other conditions triggered by flashing lights: take note. I wanted to give people a fair heads-up: there is about 90 seconds of flashing lights in the movie, plus a bit of flickering in a…
A few weeks ago I noticed a promotion on Facebook that let me know that the Mediæval Bæbes would have a concert in Boston on October 5th. I checked the time and location and realized I could easily make it.…
So, as most of my real-life friends know, I’m half-Puerto Rican. I’m a first-generation mainlander one parent’s side. (This is a little different than being a first-generation American; the parent in question was born an American, as were my grandparents,…
So, I am definitely enjoying DrawSomething. I did this epic drawing for my best friend from middle school. I was absolutely delighted to get Darth Vader as a subject, too, as she was the one who was responsible for getting…
Here I am. A fresh start! It’s another geeky feminist blog – a voice to add to the masses. Most blogs have a bit of navel-gazing at the beginning, but I’m going to offer up a bit about this blog’s…