Starlight Geek
Farewell to a Legend

Farewell to a Legend

I was absolutely gutted when I woke up this morning to learn that Sir Christopher Lee had passed away over the weekend. I will fully admit I cried — but seeing the tributes being paid to him across the internet…

Smoke Over Washington, D.C.

Smoke Over Washington, D.C.

Since the afternoon of Tuesday (9 June 2015), Washington, D.C. has experienced smokey skies. I noticed it while out in Virginia. I used to live in Los Angeles, so I know what wildfire smoke (and skies) look like. When I…

Solar Trees!

Solar Trees!

How cool is this? A company called Sol-Logic has developed a solar-powered “tree” made from 100% sustainable materials. It provides shade, cool water, free wifi, and you can even connect to people at other solar trees around the world! Right now,…

Multigenerational Space Geekiness

Multigenerational Space Geekiness

  My love of astronomy and the night sky comes directly from my father. His original career of choice for post-undergrad was an astronomer. However, after meeting my mother, he decided to go to law school so that he could…

New Dress Form Needs A New Name

New Dress Form Needs A New Name

Meet… well, I don’t know her name yet. I acquired her on Craigslist and she will be getting a makeover very soon (she needs new fabric!). She deserves a fine, geeky name. Maybe something vaguely astronomical? Votes and suggestions appreciated!…

The Starlight Fellowship

The Starlight Fellowship

Background I am an avid fan of J.R.R. Tolkien’s The Lord of the Rings.  I first read the books in either late elementary school or early middle school in the early 90s and then on and off again throughout high school, but…