Starlight Geek


So, I have a bit of a thing for crowdfunding projects. Today, I got the product from one of my smaller backings in the mail — BLIPS micro/macro-photography dots.

The Blips carrying card

The Blips carrying card

They fit over the camera lens of your smartphone and act as a magnifier. I’ve made my own before with a lens from a laser pointer and a bit of Scotch/cello tape. It worked fine, but it was a bit cumbersome to put on and take off and I had to plan to use it. The idea with Blips is that you can carry them in your wallet and put them on your phone in seconds so you can take a picture quickly.

My first photos with the Blips were of my fingernails (of course), but I’m going to spare y’all having to look at that. Instead, I’m going to give a demonstration with the receipt I got with my order.

Regular iPhone 6+ photo.

Regular iPhone 6+ photo.

This is the baseline photo. It’s as close as I could get with my phone before it started to become blurry and unable to focus. (I have an iPhone 6+.)

Next up is the macro lens.

The Macro blip, for a close shot.

The macro Blip, for a close shot.

Not bad at all! You can get in very close and get a pretty clear idea of the greyscale dot pattern that makes up the header. Even the solid-looking vertical line is revealed to be a series of closely-spaced dots.

The micro Blip -- for your closest shot

The micro Blip — for your closest shot

The blurriness in this shot is totally me and my shaking hands, not the fault of the lens itself. You can really see the dots clearly.

The Blips carrier

The Blips carrier

You can see here the case that the blips hang out inside. I like this. They have another, higher resolution Blip that they make, as well as a stand and a bunch of lab equipment (slides, etc.). This is a pretty fun thing for a backyard scientist to have on-hand. I got mine for photography, but I like the other uses it has!

I received no compensation or consideration for this post. I just like sharing cool things.

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